To Change Your Financial Status, You Must Change The Way You Think

Many people tend to believe that a major part of being rich is all about flaunting it all over the place so that everyone knows that (your name here) has money. It may be hard to accept but majority of the world's wealthiest people never put it on display. Television shows like "The Fabulous Lifestyles" with English speaking men speaking so highly of fortunes spent on diamonds and champagne are truly just for entertainment purposes.

The problem isn't the person who has enough wealth to live their lives the way they do; it's the viewers who are majority middle class and under who try to emulate the "larger than life" lifestyles. This doesn't always have to be confined to the middle class population either. Many professionals such as physicians and lawyers are subject to the same vicious cycle by trying to maintain their beyond elite competition for status amongst other professional peers.

Too many people end up broke trying to "look" like they have something they don't. Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck but still have the burning desire to buy clothing, automobiles, jewelry, etc. that will give them a false sense of gratification.

How does one ever expect to get ahead in life by trying to keep up with the latest material possession without thinking the way that true wealthy people think? Remember every action requires that the thought be made first. If you can get to the root of problematic gratification, you will free yourself from retail addiction.

Change the way YOU THINK NOW.